2940 Rochester rd, troy mi 48083
THe city
Grill & BAr
(248) 528-1620
now open & ready to serve you
With our fully loaded menu, cold refreshing drafts, and great weekly specials we hope you enjoy your time at The City Grill & Bar. Coming in for lunch? Take advantage of our weekly $10 lunch specials! Check out our Visit page to get a taste of our other specials as well.
Located and the south east corner of Rochester and E Big Beaver rd, we are happily waiting your arrival!
2940 Rochester Rd, Troy MI 48083
Monday 3:00pm - 9:30pm
Tuesday - Thursday 11:00am - 10:00pm
Friday 11:00am - 11:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 11:00pm
Sunday 9:00am - 9:30pm
(248) 528-1620
Call ahead for reservations!